############################################################################################################################# # AVAYA Deskphone Language File # ############################################################################################################################# # Generated by Translations.xls # Creation Date & Time: 26мар2021 16:07 # # MR No-73729 NAME_IN_NATIV = English # INPUTMETHOD ############## # Possible values are # 0 - ASCII # 1 - Latin-1 # 2 - German # 3 - French # 4 - Italian # 5 - Spanish # 6 - Portuguese # 7 - Russian # 8 - Albanian,Azeri,Turkish # 9 - Croatian,Slovenian # 10 - Czech,Slovak # 11 - Estonian # 12 - Hungarian # 13 - Latvian # 14 - Lithuanian # 15 - Polish # 16 - Romanian INPUTMETHOD = 1 # IPT00057322,H32396X0-4266. # FONT ############## # Possible values are # Default # Korean # Chinese # Japanese # Arabic # Hebrew FONT = Default # MR No-61324 AS_AUDIOP = Audio Params AS_AUTOGC = AutoGain Control AS_DEFLBLR = Restore Labels # MR No-76417 AS_IPADDRP = IP Params AS_MISC = Misc. AS_QOS = Quality of Svc. # MR No-61324 AS_SCRSND = Screen & Sound AT_NTWKINF = Ntwk Info LBL_1000ETH = 1000Mbps Enet # MR No-66062 LBL_100FULL = 100Mbpsfull # MR No-60649, wi00960800 LBL_1WAYD = One-way netwk delay # MR No-66071, MR No-60649, MR No-68190, i460200007211 LBL_AGCHED = Headset AGC # MR No-66071, MR No-68190, i460200007215, i460200007216 LBL_AGCHND = Handset AGC # MR No-66071, MR No-68190 LBL_AGCSPR = Speaker AGC LBL_APPFL = Application File # The language LBL_BRPORT = Braz. Portug. # MR No-61324 LBL_BTNMOD = Btn Mod # The language LBL_CNFRNC = Canad. French # IPT00057425 LBL_GOCALL = Go to Phone on Calling # IPT00057425 LBL_GORING = Go to Phone on Ringing # MR No-61324 LBL_MODULE = Mod # MR No-61324, i460200007211, i460200007215, i460200007216 LBL_NUMBER = Num. # An 802.1X mode; "mode" is optional LBL_PASSTH = Pass-thru LBL_PASSWD = Passwd # MR No-61324 LBL_PERRNG = Personalized Ring LBL_PROXY = Proxy Srvr # An 802.1X move, short for "pass-thru with Logoff" LBL_PSTHRW = pt w/Logoff # MR 78505 LBL_RSTDBL = Restore Default Labels... # An 802.1X mode; "mode" is optional,MR No-68190 LBL_SUPPLC = Supplicant. # 3x34, MR No-68072 4th Aug. 2008: Change from "Press Call Control and Volume Up button on headset until LED flashes red & blue. Then press Start." to "Press Call Control and Volume Up buttons on headset until LED flashes red & blue. Then press Start." LNG_CCVURG = Press Call Control and Volume Up button on headset until LED flashes red & blue. Then press Start. LS_CLALLEN = Clr All Entries MSG_ALERT = Receiving Audio Alert. MSG_BADSYN = Wrong WML syntax MSG_BTPAIR = Bluetooth device is paired MSG_CNCLAA = Cancel to end Audio Alert. MSG_DELAYL = Login continues after call. MSG_EEPROM = EEPROM error: Repair. MSG_GRABEX = Continue to take over this extension MSG_LOGINC = Login continues after call MSG_NOCSAD = No Call Server Addr-Resetting MSG_NTWKIN = Ntwk Information MSG_WT8021 = Waiting for 802.1x auth. MSG_YESNO = # = Yes * = No OS_BTFIND = BT Handset Finder OT_BTADAPT = BT Adapter # As in “managing electrical power”. OT_PWRMGMT = Pwr Management # wi00963001, IPT00056505 PL_ADDCMEM = Press Add to add to conf. PL_AUDENDP = Cancel to end Audio Push. PL_AUTHCRD = Enter authn credentials. # i460200007754, i460200007756, i460200007757, i460200007758, i460200007759, i460200007760, IPT00056505, i460200007211, i460200007215, i460200007216 PL_BACKLST = Press Back to return to List. PL_BCKLIST = Press Back for Contacts PL_BCKUPGO = Backup to start backup. PL_BCKVIEW = Press Back for normal view. PL_BRCRED = Enter bkup/restore credentials. # IPT00056505 PL_BRJOIN = Press Bridge to join. PL_BROWSER = Press Browser for web apps. PL_BTBTTLO = BT handset battery is low # MR No-76580, IPT00056505, i460200007211, i460200007215, i460200007216, IPT00055695 PL_CHNGSET = Change to change setting # i460200007754, i460200007756, i460200007757, i460200007758, i460200007759, i460200007760, IPT00056505, i460200007211, i460200007215, i460200007216 PL_CLEARAL = Press Clr All to confirm. PL_CLEARCF = Press Clear to confirm. # IPT00056505 PL_CONFJN = Join to add call to conference. # “Contacts” and “Call Log” are names of applications, and should be translated identically to the individual text strings PL_DIAL = Dial or use Contacts/Call Log. # Use the same term for Number as you did for the standalone term., MR No-65859 PL_EDTNUM = Edit number. # i460200007211, i460200007215, i460200007216 PL_ENTNUM = Enter number. PL_ENTTXT = Enter text on dialpad. # MR No-61324, MR No-77462, IPT00056505 PL_EXTENOK = Enter Ext and press Enter PL_GOTOFEA = Feature List ◄► # 96x1-3268 PL_INSERT = Press Insert for character # MR No-76580, IPT00054698 PL_LOGOUT2 = Press Log Out to confirm # MR No-61324 PL_MOREPWR = Add aux power or remove dev. PL_NUMSEL = Select number type ◄► # MR No-61324, IPT00056505,H32396X0-4269 PL_PASSWD = Enter Password PL_PLAYRNG = Press Play to hear pattern. # MR No-61324,MR No-76473 PL_REMDEV = Remove dev. to reduce power # Item 404, MR No-66106 PL_RETRVY = Retrieval OK PL_RTFWUG = Check wireless device user guide # MR No-76580, IPT00054698 PL_SELPROC = Select, then press Start/OK. # wi00962893, IPT00056505 PL_XFERCOM = Press Complete to transfer. # MR No-76417 PS_CONFSET = Conference Set-Up PS_XFERCON = Transfer connected # Means: “Add the data to the Contacts file”, MR No-61324, MR No-60649, i460200007754, i460200007756, i460200007757, i460200007758, i460200007759, i460200007760, i460200007211, i460200007215, i460200007216 SK_ADD2CTC = +Cntct # “Answer the call” SK_ANSWER = Ans SK_CALLLOG = CallLog # i460200007754, i460200007756, i460200007757, i460200007758, i460200007759, i460200007760, i460200007211, i460200007215, i460200007216 SK_CANCEL = Cncl # i460200007754, i460200007756, i460200007757, i460200007758, i460200007759, i460200007760, i460200007211 SK_CHANGE = Chng # “Delete all entries in the call log(s)”, MR No-61324, i460200007754, i460200007756, i460200007757, i460200007758, i460200007759, i460200007760. SK_CLRALL = ClrAll SK_COMPL = Complt SK_CONTIN = Contin # i460200007211, i460200007215, i460200007216 SK_CTCTS = Contact # i460200007211, i460200007215, i460200007216 SK_DELETE = Del # i460200007211, i460200007215, i460200007216 SK_DETAILS = Dtls # Vmail = voice mail, MR No-68190 SK_GOTOVM = VMail # MR No-66064, MR No-76417, wi00918543, wi00960785 SK_LOGOUT = LgOut # As in “your primary phone number” = most important, MR No-61324, MR No-69790 SK_PRIME = Prim. SK_REFRESH = Rfrsh # MR No-77870 SK_RESUME = Rsume # i460200007211, i460200007215, i460200007216 SK_SELECT = Slct # MR No-66064, MR No-66106, MR No-68823 SK_SENDALL = SAC # MR No-66064 SK_SENDALLOFF = SAC # MR No-66064 SK_SENDALLON = SAC✓ # MR No-66064 SK_SENDAON = SAC✓ SK_SYMBOL = Symbl # MR No-76417, i460200007211 SK_XFER = Xfer MSG_NONTWK = Lost network connectivity. MSG_WAITPK = Passkey being processed # "GigE" is short for "Gigabit Ethernet interface", MR No-61324 LBL_GIGEAD = GigE LBL_NEWADD = New addr. LBL_OLDADD = Curr. addr. MSG_ADJVOL = Adjust vol. on wireless device # MR No-66070 MSG_BTNOP = Bluetooth: No device paired PL_ADDBTDV = Press Add to pair BT device. PL_SELDEV = Select device and press Next PL_WAITAUTH = Waiting for 802.1x auth # MR No-77870 SK_RESTRT = Rstart # MR No-61324 TT_ADDRP = Addr Procedures # IPT56505 PL_EDITSEND = Press Send when done dialing # MR No-62179, MR No-69791, IPT00056505 PL_ENTDUR = Enter duration & press Enter. # "x" is replaced by a number, and need not be translated MSG_EXPIRE = x min. before login expires # MR No-62179, MR No-68554, i460200007211, i460200007215, i460200007216 LBL_SEARCHFOR = Srch for: PL_MAXCONF = Max conference size reached LBL_UNIONLY = Unicast # MR No-77870 LBL_MULTUNI = Uni/multi LBL_MERGEABK = Merge file & phone contacts LBL_REPLABK = Replace contacts with file LBL_USEABK = Use contacts file if present LBL_WRITEABK = Write file w/ phone contacts LBL_TUSEABK = Temporarily use from file PL_ABKFULL = List full - cannot merge contacts LBL_INCMERGE = Save incomplete merge? PL_MERGUSB = Save merged list to drive? OT_REPLCABK = Replace Contacts fm File LBL_CNFABKN = Saving discards phone contacts. LBL_CNFOVRW = Press Save to write contacts to flash file, replacing existing file. PL_TEMPABKOK = Press OK to use temp.contacts # MR No-66182 LNG_CNFTEMP = Use flash file instead of phone contacts when USB drive is in? PL_EXTSKR = Use button on external spkrphone BS_CONFVOXLANG = Confirm Voice Lang MSG_LOUDER = Please try again; louder. MSG_SOFTER = Please try again; softer. PL_SELVOXLANG = Select Voice Lang # IPT00056505 PL_SAYWHODIAL = Speak Name to dial. # Can be abbreviated to "N/A" or equivalent. Context is "a duration of x hours" with x being a numeral. LBL_HOURS = hrs. # 9670UI.4.7.1300, 9670UI.4.10.3000 LBL_CALCULATOR = Calc # 9670UI.4.7.1410, 1420 (Subtitle is blank) LBL_WEB_APPL = WebApp # 9670UI.4.7.1300, 1430 (Subtitle is blank), IPT00056712 LBL_FAV_HELP = FavHelp PL_DEFCONF_SFR = Press Default to confirm, if you want to restore default labels. PL_LOGOUT2_SFR = Press Log Out to confirm, if you want to log out. # MR No-69791 MSG_BTNOP_SFR = No BT device is currently paired. # MR No-70598 LBL_WORLD_CLOCK = WrdClk # Must be shorter than SK_LOGOUT, MR No-77870 skLogout = LgOut # IPT00056505 contactPromptNumberType = Select number type ◄► # Similar to PL_PASSWD, H32396X0-4269 PL_PASSWD2 = Enter Password # IPT00056505 PL_EDTDIAL = Press Call when dialing done. # Do not translate “VPN” PL_ERASE_ON_VPN_TERMINATION = Erase on VPN term # Do not translate “IP” LBL_EXTERNAL_PHONE_IP_ADDRESS = External Phone IP Addr # Note similarity with “Go to Phone Screen on Calling” and “...Ringing”, MR No-76580, IPT00057425, IPT00055695 LBL_GOANS = Go to Phone Scr. on Ans # Do not translate “IKE” or “DH”; “Group” is a noun LBL_IKE_DH_GROUP = IKE DH Grp # Translate only “Over”, in the sense of “carried by” LBL_IKE_OVER_TCP = IKE OvrTCP # Do not translate “IKE” LBL_IKE_PHASE1 = IKE Phase1 # Do not translate “IKE” MSG_IKE_PHASE1_NO_RESP = IKE Phase 1 no resp. # Do not translate “IKE” LBL_IKE_PHASE2 = IKE Phase2 # Do not translate “IKE” MSG_IKE_PHASE2_NO_RESP = IKE Phase 2 no resp. MSG_INVALID_CONFIG = Invalid config # Do not translate “DNS” or “IP” MSG_NEED_DNS_IPADD = Need DNS server IP addr # Do not translate “IP” MSG_NEED_GTWY_IP_ADD = Need gateway IP addr # Do not translate “DNS” MSG_NO_DNS_SRVR_RESP = No DNS server resp LBL_PSWDENTRY = Passwd Entry # As in “what type of password are you using?“ LBL_PASSWORD_TYPE = Passwd Type MSG_PHONE_CERT_INVALID = Phone cert invalid SK_PROG = Prog. # “Flash” is “flash memory” LBL_RSA_SIGNATURES_XAUTH = RSA sign with XAUTH # Do not translate “VPN”; “Config.” Stands for “Configuration” MSG_VPN_AUTH_FAIL = VPN auth failed MSG_VALIDCONFIG = Validating Config # As in “One line of text”. MR No-76580 LBL_1LINE = 1 Row # As in “Two lines of text”, MR No-76580 LBL_2LINES = 2 Rows # This string does not need to be translated, but can be automatically inserted into the spreadsheet. LBL_DHCPV6 = DHCPv6 Failure # Replaces PL_DIAL, MR No-74823, MR No-76580, wi00959804, IPT00056505, IPT00055695 PL_DIALHIST = Dial/Press Contacts, History # As in “the History of calls made and received”. Replaces and is similar to SK_CALLLOG, MR No-74823, i460200007754, i460200007756, i460200007757, i460200007758, i460200007759, i460200007760, i460200007211, i460200007215, i460200007216, H32396X1-6304 SK_HISTORY = Hstry # Replaces PL_CLOGOFF and PL_NOCLOG, MR No-74823, MR No-77743, IPT00056505 PL_HISTOFF = History is turned Off # “Agent” refers to call center workers, and is an adjective; “Greetings” is a noun. MR No-77462, IPT00056505 OT_AGTGREETING = Agt Greetings # Short for “Auxiliary Work”, a CM term, IPT00056505 LBL_AUXWORK = AuxWork TS_LOGGEDOUT = LoggedOut PL_PHONESCRN = Phone Screen PL_FETLIST = for Feature List LBL_TIMERON = Timer Y LBL_TIMEROFF = Timer N MSG_STOPREC = Press Stop when done # MR No-77462, IPT00056505 LBL_AVAIL = Avail. # 96x1Tel.3.2.4100 PL_JNCMEM = Press Join to add to conf. # 96x1H.323-5611 PL_CONFMEM = Press Details for conferees. # Replaces PL_DIAL, MR No-74823, MR No-76580, wi00959804, IPT00056505, IPT00055695, H32396X1-6069 PL_DIALHIST_H = Dial/Press Contacts, History # Replaces PL_CLOGOFF and PL_NOCLOG, MR No-74823, MR No-77743, IPT00056505 PL_HISTOFF_H = History is turned Off PL_BCKLIST_H = Press Back to Contacts # Similar to PL_PASSWD PL_PASSWD2_H = Enter Password # MR No-61324, IPT00056505 PL_PASSWD_H = Enter Password # IPT00056505 PL_BRJOIN_H = Press Bridge to join. # MR 78505 LBL_RSTDBL_H = Restore Default Labels... # As in “One line of text”. MR No-76580 LBL_1LINE_H = 1 Row # As in “Two lines of text”, MR No-76580 LBL_2LINES_H = 2 Rows # Means: “Add the data to the Contacts file”, MR No-61324, MR No-60649, i460200007754, i460200007756, i460200007757, i460200007758, i460200007759, i460200007760, i460200007211, i460200007215, i460200007216 SK_ADD2CTC_H = +Cntct # PHONES-30 LBL_SSH_FINGERPRINT = SSH Fingerprint # PHONES-30 LBL_INTERNAL_MIC = # PHONES-30 LBL_INTERNAL_SPK = # PHONES-30 LBL_VU_METER = # PHONES-99 pm_Screen_I = # PHONES-104 LBL_HNPROF_AMPLIFIED_J179 = # PHONES-118 SK_UPDATE_TONIGHT_sbm = # PHONES-118 SK_UPDATE_NOW_sbm = # PHONES-118 MSG_BM_FW_UPDATE_AVAIL = # PHONES-118 MSG_BM_FW_UPDATE_INFO = # PHONES-128 LBL_ACOUSTIC_PROTECTION_DYNAMIC = # PHONES-128 LBL_ACOUSTIC_PROTECTION_4_HOURS = # PHONES-128 LBL_ACOUSTIC_PROTECTION_8_HOURS = # PHONES-137 LBL_ACOUSPROT = # PHONES-137 PL_SELAPMODE = Acoustic Protection Mode # PHONES-141 SK_CTCTS_J159H = Cntcts # PHONES-141 SK_DEFAULT_J159H = De4lt # PHONES-141 SK_SHHH_J159H = Silent # PHONES-141 SK_XFER_J159H = Xfer # PHONES-141 PL_ENTMODEOK_J159H = # PHONES-141 PL_AUTHCRD_J159H = Enter authn credentials. # PHONES-141 PL_BCKMENU_J159H = Back to return to menu # PHONES-141 LBL_OLDADD_J159H = Currnt # PHONES-141 LBL_NEWADD_J159H = New # End of file